Terms of Service

Updated: 08-16-2022

This User Agreement for the service "Bitfex" (hereinafter the "Agreement") is concluded between the owner of the software package "Bitfex" (hereinafter "CRYPTO FINANCE SOLUTIONS LTD") and a person who successfully registered on the service "Bitfex" (hereinafter "Service") and started using the Service ( hereinafter referred to as "User").

The User is obliged to study the text of this Agreement in detail. Acceptance of this Agreement by successfully registering on the Service and starting to use it means full and unconditional acceptance the Agreement terms and other information, links to which are provided in the Agreement.

In case of disagreement with this terms, the User is obliged to immediately leave the Service.

The User is granted any proprietary intellectual rights in relation to the Service and its software under no circumstances.

1. Definitions and term interpretations.


The terms given below are used in this document with the following meanings:

«User» - the person who has reached the age of majority, the visitor of the Service, who acquaints himself with the types of Services presented by CRYPTO FINANCE SOLUTIONS LTD, uses the reference and information resources of the Service, is going to make the Order of Services, or already implements the Order in the real-time mode, or who is already using Services purchased from CRYPTO FINANCE SOLUTIONS LTD.

«Service» is a software complex «Bitfex», located at bitfex.exchange and owned by CRYPTO FINANCE SOLUTIONS LTD, containing all technical and functional features for use by the User following the terms and conditions described in the Agreement. The service is a simulator of an online crypto exchange (analogous to a crypto exchange), where the User has the opportunity to learn trading making crypto-coins exchange transactions.

"Services" - services provided by CRYPTO FINANCE SOLUTIONS LTD to Users, including the provision for using of Service functionality for a certain period under the Subscriptions selected by the User, Agreement terms.

«Subscription» - the totality of functions provided to the User during the paid period of the Service using. Details of the current subscriptions are listed on the Service page bitfex.exchange

"Agreement" - a service agreement concluded between CRYPTO FINANCE SOLUTIONS LTD and the User by registering the User on the Service and creating a PA.

"Order" - an application of the User for the Services receipt, issued through the Service and representing the free and independent intention and will of the User to purchase the Service selected by the User from CRYPTO FINANCE SOLUTIONS LTD under the Subscription.

"Personal Account" ("PA") is a personalized Service section, closed for public access. Access to the personal account is carried out by entering authentication data on the Service login page: login and password.


Terms that are not defined in Agreement clause 1.1 may be used in the Agreement. In these cases, the interpretation of the terms is made under the text and meaning of the Agreement. In the absence of an unambiguous term interpretation in the text of the Agreement, you should be guided, firstly, by the interpretation of the terms used on the Service, including in the legal documentation posted on the Service; secondly, by international law and business customs in the relevant field of activity.

2. Subject of the Agreement.


Under this Agreement, CRYPTO FINANCE SOLUTIONS LTD, within the framework of the Subscription chosen by the User, grants the User the right to access and use the Service in the manner described in the Agreement. By accepting the terms of this Agreement and creating a Personal Account on the Service, the User agrees to follow and comply with all the rules and requirements for using the Service specified in the Agreement.

Searching, ordering a service, using the Service, including viewing those posted in the sections of the Service, providing reference and information resources of the Service, also implies full consent of the User with this Agreement.

CRYPTO FINANCE SOLUTIONS LTD, after the registration procedure and creation of the PA, provides the User with the following Service functionality:


studying the operation principles of crypto-exchanges,


depositing crypto-coins (bitcoin, ethereum, or litecoin) to your private account (wallet) located on the Service, and withdrawing them from the Service at your discretion,


trading on a demo account,


tracking balance indicators, transactions history in the User's PA,


using a simulator of investment plans, where the User can invest his/her coins at a certain percentage and freeze them for the period specified in the plan.